Human Rights Challenges in Esperanza Rising

Last unit, we learned about our rights as humans and examined the articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. A copy of the articles is attached below. We will be using this knowledge to understand how characters in our novel face challenges with their human rights.

Youth for Human Rights International. (2002-2019). Universal Declaration of Human Rights – Abridged for Youth.

Also find an online version of the articles here

Watch a short video about our rights

TED-Ed, Berti, B., Zimmerman, S. & Saidan, S. (Oct 15, 2015). What are the universal human rights?. [Video file]. Retrieved from

This chapter, we will be starting a Human Rights Challenges in Esperanza Rising discussion post. This post will continue throughout our novel as we discover new challenges that characters face.

“I can identify situations in Esperanza Rising where a character’s human rights are challenged.” 

Looking back in chapter 3, can you find examples of these human rights violations? Please provide the example and the page number as well as why you believe it is a human rights violation.

-A challenge to the right to life, liberty, and personal security

-The discriminatory treatment of Indians compared to people of Spanish descent

-The denial of property rights to women

Expeditionary Learning. (2012). NYS Common Core ELA Curriculum. G5:M1:U2:L3. New York, NY.


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